Dr. Karahüseyinoğlu graduated from Hacettepe University School of Medicine and later specialized as a cell biologist, histologist and clinical embryologist at Ankara University Department of Histology & Embryology. Two main topics of her interest include reproductive biology-mainly focused on gametes and embryo, and human mesenchymal stem cells derived from umbilical cord. Her work currently focuses on use of polymeric cell carriers supplemented with human mesenchymal stem cells or endometrial cell co-cultures to facilitate mammalian embryo implantation. The genome edition of mammalian embryos in order to regulate implantation capacity by CRISPR/Cas9 based technologies is also a main interest of her lab work. Her lab expertise includes a wide spectrum of micromanipulation and other ART skills regarding manipulation of human gametes and embryos, histological/cytological techniques, along with imaging and microscopy in life sciences. Her interest in microscopy mainly focuses on applications of fluorescence imaging, confocal microscopy, and microscopic imaging techniques via use of light sheet, multi-photon and super-resolution microscopes.

Selected Presentations

Construction of gel based 3D endometrial co –culture systems: Can human mesenchymal stem cells be an alternative?- European Society For Human Reproduction (ESHRE) , 2017

Super resolution, multiphoton and light sheet microscopy for evaluation of 2D and 3D implantation models, 13th Multinational Congress On Microscopy, 2017

Cellular and Molecular Dynamics Of In-vitro 2D and 3D Cultured Blastocysts Throughout The Implantation Process, American Society For Cell Biology (ASCB) , 2016

Differential Distribution Of bFGF and bFGF Receptors In Human Cumulus Granulosa Cells Of Poor, Normal And Over Responder IVF Patients, American Society For Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) , 2013