Prof. Dr. Metin Sitti is a Professor in School of Medicine and College of Engineering at Koç University. He is also the current President of Koç University and an Honorary Professor at University of Stuttgart, Germany. Formerly, he was the Director of the Physical Intelligence Department at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany (2014-2023), Professor at ETH Zurich in Switzerland (2020-2024), Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, USA (2002-2014), and a Research Scientist at UC Berkeley in USA (1999-2002). Between 2011-2012, he was a Visiting Professor at Harvard University, EPFL and Sorbonne University.
He received his BSc (1992) and MSc (1994) degrees from Boğaziçi University, Turkey in electrical and electronics engineering, and PhD degree from University of Tokyo, Japan (1999) in electrical engineering. His research interests include small-scale robotics, bioinspired adhesives and locomotion, wireless medical devices, and physical intelligence. His current research at Koç University focuses on minimally invasive and implantable wireless milli- and microscale medical robots and devices to operate inside the human body to revolutionize medicine and healthcare. Such miniature medical robots aim to improve the quality of life of every one and save lives of more patients. His highly interdisciplinary team has expertise in robotics, micro/nanotechnology, materials science, engineering, physics, biology, chemistry, and medicine.
He is a National Academy of Engineering (NAE) member in USA and an IEEE Fellow. He received the Highly Cited Researcher recognition (2021, 2022, 2023), Breakthrough of the Year Award in the Falling Walls World Science Summit (2020), ERC Advanced Grant (2019), Rahmi Koç Medal of Science (2018), SPIE Nanoengineering Pioneer Award (2011), and NSF CAREER Award (2005). He received over 15 best paper and video awards at major conferences. He has supervised and mentored over 71 (21 current) PhD students and 83 (14 current) postdocs, where over 50 of his group alumni are professors around the world. He has published 2 books and over 400 journal articles and has 19 issued and over 12 pending patents. He has given over 250 invited talks in universities, conferences, and companies. He founded Setex Technologies Inc. in 2012 in Pittsburgh, USA to commercialize his lab’s gecko-inspired microfiber adhesive technology. He is the editor-in-chief of Progress in Biomedical Engineering and Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics journals and associate editor in Science Advances journal.
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Selected Publications
- M. Han, E. Yildiz, U. Bozuyuk, A. Aydin, Y. Yu, A. Bhargava, S. Karaz, M. Sitti, “Janus microparticles-based targeted and spatially-controlled piezoelectric neural stimulation via low-intensity focused ultrasound,” Nature Communications, vol. 15, no. 1, 2013, 2024.
- M. Zhang, A. Pal, X. Lyu, Y. Wu, M. Sitti, “Artificial-goosebump-driven microactuation,” Nature Materials, vol. 23, pp. 560-569, 2024.
- Z. Ren and M. Sitti, “Design and build of small-scale magnetic soft-bodied robots with multimodal locomotion,” Nature Protocols, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 441-486, 2024.
- T. Wang, Y. Wu, E. Yildiz, S. Kanyas, M. Sitti, “Clinical translation of wireless soft robotic medical devices,” Nature Reviews Bioengineering, pp. 1-16, 2024.
- C. Hong, Y. Wu, C. Wang, Z. Ren, C. Wang, Z. Liu, W. Hu, M. Sitti, “Wireless flow-powered miniature robot capable of traversing tubular structures,” Science Robotics, vol. 9, eadi5155, 2024.
- M. Zhang, A. Pal, Z. Zheng, G. Gardi, E. Yildiz, M. Sitti, “Hydrogel muscles powering reconfigurable micro-metastructures with wide-spectrum programmability,” Nature Materials, vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 1243-1252, 2023.
- J. Han, X. Dong, Z. Yin, S. Zhang, M. Li, Z. Zheng, M.C. Ugurlu, W. Jiang, H. Liu, M. Sitti, “Actuation-enhanced multifunctional sensing and information recognition by magnetic artificial cilia arrays,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, vol. 120, no. 42, e2308301120, 2023.
- Y. Yan, T. Wang, R. Zhang, Y. Liu, W. Hu, M. Sitti, “Magnetically assisted soft milli-tools for occluded lumen morphology detection,” Science Advances, vol. 9, no, 33, eadi3979, 2023.
- A. Pal and M. Sitti, “Programmable mechanical devices through magnetically tunable bistable elements,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, vol. 120, no. 15, 2212489120, 2023.
- T. Wang, H.-J. Joo, S. Song, W. Hu, C. Keplinger, and M. Sitti, “A versatile jellyfish-like robotic platform for effective underwater propulsion and manipulation,” Science Advances, vol. 9, no. 15, eadg0292, 2023.
- M. E. Tiryaki, Y. G. Elmacıoğlu, M. Sitti, “Magnetic Guidewire Steering at Ultrahigh Magnetic Fields,” Science Advances, vol. 9, no. 17, eadg6438, 2023.
- R. H. Soon, Z. Yin, M. A. Dogan, N. O. Dogan, M. E. Tiryaki, A. C. Karacakol, A. Aydın, P. Esmaeili-Dokht, and M. Sitti, “Pangolin-inspired untethered magnetic robot for on-demand biomedical heating applications,” Nature Communications, vol. 14, no. 1, 3320, 2023.
- S. Ceron, G. Gardi, K. Petersen, M. Sitti “Programmable self-organization of heterogeneous microrobot collectives,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 120, no. 24, 2221913120, 2023.
- C. Wang, Y. Wu, X. Dong, M. Armacki, M. Sitti, “In situ sensing physiological properties of biological tissues using wireless miniature soft robots,” Science Advances, vol. 9, no. 23, eadg3988, 2023.
- V. Sridhar, E. Yildiz, A. R. Camargo, X. Lyu, L. Yao, P. Wrede, A. Aghakhani, B. M. Akolpoglu, F. Podjaski, B. V. Lotsch, M. Sitti, “Designing covalent organic framework‐based light‐driven microswimmers towards therapeutic applications,” Advanced Materials, 2301126, 2023.
- T. Wang, H. Ugurlu, Y. Yan, M. Li, M. Li, A.-M. Wild, E. Yildiz, M. Schneider, D. Sheehan, W. Hu, M. Sitti, “Adaptive wireless millirobotic locomotion into distal vasculature,” Nature Communications, vol. 13, no.1, pp. 1-17, 2022.
- M. B. Akolpoglu, Y. Alapan, N. O. Dogan, S. F. Baltaci, O. Yasa, G. A. Tural, M. Sitti, “Magnetically steerable bacterial microrobots moving in 3D biological matrices for stimuli-responsive cargo delivery,” Science Advances, vol. 8, eabo6163, 2022.
- C. Hong, Z. Ren, C. Wang, M. Li, Y. Wu, D. Tang, W. Hu, M. Sitti, “Magnetically actuated gearbox-driven wireless millirobots,” Science Robotics, vol. 7, eabo4401, 2022.
- P. Wrede, O. Degtyaruk, S.K. Kalva, X.L. Deán-Ben, U. Bozuyuk, A. Aghakhani, M. Sitti, D. Razansky, “Real-time 3D optoacoustic tracking of cell-sized magnetic microrobots circulating in the mouse brain vasculature,” Science Advances, vol. 8, no. 19, eabm9132, 2022.
- G. Gardi, S. Ceron, W. Wang, K. Petersen, M. Sitti, “Microrobot collectives with reconfigurable morphologies, behaviors, and functions,” Nature Communications, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1-14, 2022.
- Y. Wu, X. Dong, J. Kim, C. Wang, M. Sitti, “Wireless soft millirobots for climbing three-dimensional surfaces in confined spaces,” Science Advances 8, no. 21, eabn3431, 2022.
- A. Aghakhani, A. Pena-Francesch, U. Bozuyuk, H. Cetin, P. Wrede, M. Sitti, “High shear rate propulsion of acoustic microrobots in complex biological fluids,” Science Advances, vol. 8, no. 10, eabm5126, 2022.
- V. Sridhar, F. Podjaski, Y. Alapan, J. Kröger, L. Grunenberg, V. Kishore, B. V. Lotsch, M. Sitti, “Light-driven carbon nitride-based microswimmers with propulsion in biological and ionic media and responsive on-demand drug delivery,” Science Robotics, vol. 7, no. 62, eabm1421, 2022.
- M. Li, A. Pal, A. Aghakhani, A. Pena-Francesch, M. Sitti, “Soft actuators for real-world applications,” Nature Reviews Materials, vol. 7, pp. 235–249, 2022.
- D. Son, M. C. Ugurlu, M. Sitti, “Permanent magnet array-driven navigation of wireless millirobots inside soft tissues,” Science Advances, vol. 7, no. 43, eabi8932, 2021.
- J. Zhang, Z. Ren, W. Hu, R. H. Soon, I. C. Yasa, Z. Liu, M. Sitti, “Voxelated three-dimensional miniature magnetic soft machines via multimaterial heterogeneous assembly,” Science Robotics, vol. 6, no. 53, eabf0112, 2021.
- M. Sitti, “Physical intelligence as a new paradigm,” Extreme Mechanics Letters, vol. 46, 101340, 2021.
- A. Pena-Francesch, H. Jung, M. C. Demirel, M. Sitti, “Biosynthetic self-healing materials for soft machines,” Nature Materials, vol. 19, pp. 1230-1235, 2020.
- X. Dong, G. Z. Lum, W. Hu, R. Zhang, Z. Ren, P. R. Onck, M. Sitti, “Bioinspired cilia arrays with programmable non-reciprocal motion and metachronal coordination,” Science Advances, vol. 6, no. 45, eabc9323, 2020.
- Y. Alapan, U. Bozuyuk, P. Erkoc, A. C. Karacakol, M. Sitti, “Multifunctional surface microrollers for targeted cargo delivery in physiological blood flow,” Science Robotics, vol. 5, no. 42, eaba5726, 2020.
- M. Sitti, “Miniature soft robots—road to the clinic,” Nature Reviews Materials, vol. 3, pp. 74–75, 2018.
- Hu, G. L. Zum, M. Mastrangeli, and M. Sitti, “Small-scale soft-bodied multimodal locomotion,” Nature, vol. 554, no. 7690, pp. 81-85, 2018.
- M. Sitti, Mobile Microrobotics, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2017.