Dr.Afsun Sahin received his medical degree from Ankara University Medical School. He completed his ophthalmology residency at Hacettepe University Medical School and a postdoctoral fellowship program at the Schepens Eye Research Institute, focusing on Corneal and External Diseases and Surgery. His clinical and research interests include ocular surface and corneal diseases, sex steroid regulation of the ocular surface and adnexa, and corneal transplantation. He has received numerous awards including ARVO Collaborative Research Fellowship Award, ICO Helmerich Fellowship Award, WOC/ICO Fellowship Award, and most recently Turkish Academy of Science Young Investigator Award. Dr. Sahin has published over 100 articles, book chapters, and abstracts and his research has been funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for his research on ocular surface neurobiology and sex steroid regulation of the ocular surface inflammation.